Show Compassion for Animals

Wolves get Hunted with Snowmobiles and Helicopters in Sweden

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The license hunt on wolves here in Sweden started last Monday, January 2. First, the authorities decided that they should kill 24 wolves in the entire country, but on January 7 they decided that it would be nice to kill one more wolf, so they did. So far, they have killed 24 wolves, and now all the hunters are chasing one wolf in Dalarna. They shot at this poor wolf on Sunday, but they couldn’t find it although they searched for it. So, then they assumed it wasn’t hit by…read more

Underneath the Stars

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Here comes my poem about stars and snowflakes. Hope you’ll enjoy it! 🙂 Underneath the Stars I live my life underneath the stars underneath a star-spangled sky The full moon gives a soft light the snowflakes glisten The snow covers the soil covers it in a thick layer The hills look soft underneath the star-spangled sky I walk on the moonlit snow crust a snow crust that carry me wherever I want to go I admire the view on top of a hill where I see a shooting star I…read more

When the Heart Calls

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I wrote this poem, “When the Heart Calls,” in loving memory of the poor wolves that was hunted and killed earlier this week in the county where I live, and it’s also a loving memory for all the wolves killed worldwide. When the Heart Calls The sun is rising it looks like the sky is on fire with all its beautiful colors dancing on the sky like flames   I walk along the path surrounded by trees which are covered in a thin layer a thin layer of snow The…read more

What does Thou Shalt Not Kill mean to You?

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On Saturday, it’s Christmas Eve, and here in Sweden, it’s a tradition to watch Donald Duck and his friends at 15:00, meaning it’s an hour with famous cartoon characters like Ferdinand the Bull, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, and so on. There are two thousand animals killed every second in the world’s slaughterhouses. Just during the hour when we here in Sweden watch Donald Duck 6 million animals get slaughtered. That is something to think about it…If you want to be a part of that innocent animals, get killed…read more

Do You Care what Christmas is All About?

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Sometimes I wonder how many cares what Christmas is all about because I know many people who celebrate Christmas but still they behave evilly towards their fellow humans. I know some people that are religious but still they treat others in a bad way, for instance, they can get furious if they aren’t allowed to do what they want and behave in a hostile/ creepy way. Or they can pretend to be your friend and then stab you in the back because they can be good at placing mean words…read more

The Magic of The Night

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Here comes my poem about the magic of the night. Hope you’ll enjoy it! 🙂 The Night The night is my friend It brings me peace It consoles me It makes me feel safe protected from all the badness I’m alone but not all alone the animals are with me It feels pretty okay while I’m writing these words for you I really like the night it’s so beautiful with all the wonderful stars who gives you hope The magnificent northern lights truly amaze you with all its colors And…read more

Whisper in the Night

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Here comes my poem “Whisper in the Night.” Hope you’ll enjoy it! 🙂 Whisper in the Night Feeling sad dreaming of a fairy hoping she can throw throw fairy dust over me Away goes all my heartache and misery like a whisper in the night She whispers to me that all I have to do is believe believe in myself trust my gut eventually time will heal heal my broken heart and bewildered soul A seed is planted I just need to nurture it so it can grow grow gutsy…read more

What is Love?

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Here comes my poem “What is Love?” in loving memory of my mother who left us too soon. It was a shock to me because I talked with her on the evening about the Christmas lights and the following morning she was gone… Today it’s four years ago since she moved to heaven. I miss you, mom… I’m grateful for all the things she taught me. She was a kind, honest and generous person who liked to help when she could. The photos in this blog post are of our…read more

I’m Giving Away My First Story for Free!

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Before I release my upcoming books in “Flame – The Animal Saver” series I’m going to launch a newsletter. To celebrate that I’m going to give away my first story, “Flame and the Cows,” for free as a PDF-file to those of you who choose to subscribe. Just watch the book trailer if you want to know what “Flame and the Cows” is about 🙂 In my first newsletter, I will tell about why I started to write about a figure that saves animals. So, if you like to get…read more


Why do People Hate Wolves?

Posted by in Animals

A week ago I heard about a young woman that was out in the forest with her dog here in the north of Sweden. The dog was not on a leash because they were hunting hares. Suddenly the woman couldn’t hear the dog any longer and then the dog came running from the forest because a wolf chased it. The wolf bit the dog but fled when the woman screamed. The dog survived the attack; the woman took her to a veterinarian who took care of her wounds. Wolf is…read more

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