About my Books
Many years ago I started to fantasize about a cute figure that my little sister had drawn on a wall. I named it Flame and came up with several stories about how Flame saved animals from various situations since I thought it would be great if there were someone who could do that. My book series is called “Flame – The Animal Saver” and it will be 14 books with lots of pictures suitable for kids from 5 to 8 years old. The goal with my stories is that I want to help parents to teach their children compassion for all animals. I want to teach children that animals are kind and not evil and that all animals have feelings. My stories are the very opposite of “Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf” since I believe it’s wrong to kill animals.
The first book is called “Flame and the Cows” and it’s available both in English, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish. My second book is called “Flame and the Wolf”, it’s also available in those languages.
My third book is called “Flame and the Mouse” and it’s available in English and Swedish.
Just click on the covers below and then you will be taken to Amazon where they are available both as Kindle and Paperback. The books are also available as paperback at other online bookstores, for instance, Barnes & Noble and Alibris. Here is my Author page at Amazon. To find out what the stories are about, watch the book trailers! 🙂
I also love to write poems! Therefore I published a poetry book called “Beneath My Wings – A Poetry Collection”, it contains 50 mixed poems about death, love, and butterflies.
Happy Reading! 🙂
Reviews of Flame and the Cows
“What a delightful book and definitely fitting for the age. The story is easy to read and teaches children compassion. The illustrations are colourful and go really well with the story. Fabulous book. I hope there are more Flame books to come.” /Fee O’Shea
“Great illustrations! My son loves it. My son is reading this book for the 2nd time right now!! He is 7 years old and he enjoys the illustrations. He is reading aloud to his younger brother. This book is appropriate for his age group.” /Reggie Titus
“This is a delightfully compassionate story for children as well as the adults who read it to them. It awakens a fresh understanding for cows and for the entire animal kingdom.” /Lori Carpenos
”Den raraste saga jag någonsin läst. Flamman är en söt figur som verkligen har hjärtat på rätta stället. Perfekt saga att läsa för sina barn, den har ju allt. En gripande berättelse med blandning av spänning, drama och ett lyckligt slut. Jag tittar på de vackra och gulliga bilderna och känner mig bara glad.” /Anette
Reviews of Beneath my Wings – A Poetry Collection
“Anna-Stina Johansson’s collection of poems “Beneath My Wings” is guiding us through her dedication for nature and animals. Not being used to read poems it was a nice feeling to discover that I really liked to read Anna-Stina Johansson’s collection of poems, the poem Beneath My Wings is also the one I liked best.” /Birgitta
”Anna-Stinas dikter fyller mig med ett stort välbefinnande och lugn. Både de glada, lättsamma dikterna men även de tyngre, sorgsamma. Genom hennes ord lär jag känna min själ igen. Minns hur det var att se upp på en mörk himmel o se stjärnorna blänka. Det är ren mindfulness att läsa Anna-Stinas ord. Jag vill läsa dem långsamt för att riktigt insupa de bilder o känslor de väcker. Med enkla beskrivningar, ofta med naturen som arena beskriver hon lycka, sorg, längtan, maktlöshet o svårmod. Jag njuter och längtar efter att få läsa mer!” /Isabell Ankarström
”Jag älskar denna diktbok. När jag läser vissa av dikterna så rullar tårarna längs mina kinder. Känner tröst av att läsa dem. Det känns så personligt. När jag läser vissa andra dikter känner jag mig glad och stärkt. Det är som att ha en kompis som peppar en med uppmuntrande ord, sådär som man behöver emellanåt. Jag rekommenderar denna diktbok starkt, den borde finnas i varje nattduksbord. Den finns i mitt.” /Anette
”Väldigt fina verk med varm och hoppfull innebörd. Dina dikter är målande och jag tycker verkligen du skriver vacker poesi.” /Linn